
We proudly count 16 employees in 4 hubs who pursue their work with passion.

GL.Louisa, Marie, Lara & Céline

A love for clay and a love for making things is what brings us together, but to make a business work there are loads of people with different strengths involved. We’d like to introduce you to our employees in the four hubs creation, adult skills, administrative technical staff and entertainment.


We unite the greatest clay experts in their field.

Senior Potter.Louisa
Senior Executive 3D Ceramics Printer.Marie
Casting & Sanding Specialist.Lara
Weird Shit Specialist.Céline

adult skills.

We wanna thank us for having a competent team für dä ganzi erwachsni business stuff.

CFO & Sales.Louisa
Social Media Content Manager.Marie
Human Resources.Lara
Graphic Designer.Céline

administrative technical staff.

Of course we have a hub for organising and solving background matters.

Facility Management.Marie
Advertising Technology Management.Lara


Yes, they drop it like it’s hot!

Food Artist.Louisa
In House DJane.Marie
Hair Stylist.Céline