Japanese Sachä

A nonchalantly posed question from a Swiss perspective: Typically Japanese?

For the «Japanese Sachä» collection, «I wanna thank me.» nonchalantly posed the question from a Swiss perspective: Typically Japanese? 

With their usual sense of playfulness accompanied by a hint of irony, the collective answers this question with high-end utilitarian ceramics for everyday use.

The objects are available in the museum shop of the «Vitrahaus».

We would like to thank Connie Hüsser for having us and attending the design process.

Material: Porzellan, Engobe (1250°)

Mount Fuji (Japanese Matterhorn) in use.
Sushi (Japanese Iklemmts) in use.
Sojafish (Japanese Aromat) in use.
Tokkuri (Japanese Guttere) in use.
Masu (Japanese Kistli) 280.00 CHF
Mount Fuji (Japanese Matterhorn) 50.00 CHF
Guinomi (Japanese Express) 30.00 CHF
Sakazuki (Japanese Schalä) 40.00 CHF
Ikebana (Japanese Strüssli) 35.00 CHF
Sojafish (Japanese Aromat) Gross 150.00 CHF Klein 100.00 CHF
Sushi (Japanese Iklemmts) 15.00 CHF
Origami (Japanese Fötzeli) 40.00 CHF
Tokkuri (Japanese Guttere) 130.00 CHF